Old Titleless Gunter Log III
approximate number of days after i started attending classes again that i got back into my old habit of substituting caffeine for sleep: three. (seems that i've traded RPGs and battletech for e-mail and the 'net, which is almost as bad in my dad's eyes. (of course, once the novelty of doing that stuff at home wears off i guess i'll have to find out which of you guys and gals are gamers.)) [wow - nested ()s.]
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
— immersion
the best way to predict the future is to invent it.
— the x files
why do people insist on saying things like "ancient sanskrit"? is there a *modern* version floating around somewhere that's miraculously escaped my attention?
parental responsibility n. a myth perpetrated by The Man to keep us from enjoying the carefree life we deserve.
you can't demonstrate what others have no power to imagine.
— redux
NB: it's generally considered 'not terribly bright' to open a spritzing soda can right in front of your desk fan. honest.
and in case you were wondering, rubbermaid lids *will* in fact warp considerably if you keep them in the microwave too long. (which, of course, saves you from the need to clean them afterwards.)
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