I miss the old days. She said a lot back then. Not so much any more, and i think that's to our detriment. I feel in my gut that she's still around though, just is a bit gun-shy with how society as a whole has changed in the intervening years. I'm of the opinion that if enough of us show her that we haven't forgotten how much we appreciated her that she'd once again grace us with her presence. So please, join me. I'll do it alone if i have to, but i'd much rather have a partner...
Forgive me for jumping the tracks here, but i've noticed that some people apparently don't have a solid handle on the quotes. To be blunt: i consider them intrinsically worthwhile. If otherwise, they likely wouldn't be acceptable except as an in-joke (you dropped your /pay' pa/). Now that's not to say that there haven't been occasions when quotes have applied to my situation, but that's merely a little inside knowledge that i allow myself to enjoy. As for them equating to recommendations of the sources, while i don't know that i've quoted something i didn't care for, it's not impossible. The Logs are written for me first and you second. I'm all for you enjoying the experience, but it's what *i* get out of it that really matters...
Not that you didn't see this coming, but allow me to digress a bit. I'm of the opinion that everyone should have a personal motto. It doesn't have to be noble, profound, witty or even last longer than tomorrow afternoon, but at any given time you should be able to state yours. As you may suspect, the best part of a personal motto is the "personal" part. One that is life-affirming is just as good as one that makes not the slightest bit of sense as long as it resonates with you. Mine? It's *my* sandbox. Now it's your turn. And take your time; it's not a race to the finish...
So where was i? Oh, yes: the old days. I miss them. Or maybe what i miss is how uncluttered they were. Some things today just seem needlessly complicated. And by "complicated" i mean "annoying". Sure, the Internet is in some ways significantly better than pulling books off the shelf, but growing up it never occurred to me to check a second encyclopedia to verify the first's information. I also never needed to leaf through pages of exposition that were in some vague way related - or not - to the topic i was researching. But that's progress, i guess. I shudder to think what will happen though if the crap we must wade through ever outpaces the speed we can wade through it. If you take what we have for granted, you will very likely regret it...
my dream could become your nightmare.
:: where on earth is carmen sandiego? (moondreams)
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