Gunter Log XXX (that's extra dry, you silly person)
whenever you need to actually expend energy to open a pop-top you might as well quit pretending that you're on the mend.
another of the many signs that you need some professional help: you send yourself a piece of mail because you figure that the LAN *must* be down, as only that would explain your not having received any in 'so long'.
for those of you who were into calculators: 710.77345
granted, it's not as good as watching little kids kick each other's butt (as if anything could be), but blowing up friends' rambo-armed worms runs a not-too-distant second.
i don't need beer - i'm *naturally* out of shape.
mormons: lots of babes
catholicism: heaven
(pout) why is nothing ever easy? <SLAP>
all these years i just assumed that being Nice was synonymous with being Good. how wrong i was...
oh, and if anyone dies this week, Lord, please may the whole thing take exactly twelve hours.
// 08 addition: i'm pretty sure this is an honor guard reference, but i don't remember what i was hoping to avoid.
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